Haha.. So, i will begin on HAre's Birthday! yea, its the black fellow studying in a chinese independent school and is coping well in there(although he graduated by now!)! haha... It's on the 4th of november, and i was still in the middle of my finals.. But well, i thought i was onli having math on 7th and i thought math was goin to be a breeze, so i planned to go out to celebrate with PJ CREWS! Obviously i was wrong... MAth was not a breeze, it was kinda like a suicidal paper(err. when compared to past years and st.peters)... So, as we all know, The HARe Bros are famous for their "punctuality", so Joe a.k.a Xiao Bai had to call them to meet up at 5 although we are suppose to meet at 6! ahaha.. Well, congratulations to them, they are the earliest to arrive in WOng's house.
I was a bit late.. But u all shudn't blame me.. Coz JR couldn't fetch TC, so i had to go all the way to fetch her.... Erm.. I am not complaining lah! ahaha.. Next time no chance to fetch u d, TC! lol! So, although i arrived at about 6 sth.. i realized most of the ppl from PJ crew havent arrive yet.. Why am i not suprised???
We waited and waited.. And we saw xiao bai chatting with u-noe-who(if u dun noe, pls dun ask) in msn.. and suddenly wee ming and i wanted to snap photos of ah wong's computer monitor.. So.. haha.. then he blamed us for taking photos of him chatting with u-noe-who! Den we chit chatted , took pics, while waiting for the other freaks to arrive, namely Kwan SIONG, KOK ken ling, Helmet boy..
The boy who came late
Nice Shirt..
So, we waited at wong's house till about 8 sth.. == from 6 sth to 8 sth.. Well, i guess we are used to it... So again, we need to go through the routine of selecting a place to celebrate... And we finally decided to go Marco's Pizza.. Had our dinner there.. Didnt celebrate much because we had tests and everyone was kinda tired... Happy Belated birthday yo! anyway, hope to have another gathering soon...
i told u all i will be late T_T...
haha ..... long time din go for movies lo !!!!
yalor.. Hare and marcus went classs trip d... Tuesday onli come back.. Plus i tues, wed maybe thurs not free!><
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